extortion, bribes or kick back?
With a dirty title (who did work on her house and did not get paid)? The Village council voted to guarantee a buy back if problem occurred.
A $1 billion dollars worth of work, but there are 7 village council members? x $350k?
How great full would a village council, think is necessary?
This is the contractor that has been plowing snow for Palatine for 30 years? I think, for many years this has been more bid contract http://palatine-dirt.blogspot.com/
Mullins, goon squad of cops can run around on drugs, do shake downs, playing mail man for the council men, bust your door down on unpaid parking tickets, beat up people they arrest. But when it comes to telling the truth in a court of law, that's another story, they have the blessings to deceive.
knowingly provided false documents to the courts.
Betty Loren Maltese northwest
Mullin's some how, got the D.A. and courts to praise cops high on drugs on duty at the same time making false police reports and perjured testimony. If the courts were not so corrupt and involved, they would be outraged.
This is the demo-ed, vacant lot across from Hummel's brewery building. Hummel paid $650k, http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_hb5273/is_200602/ai_n20815736-------- http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_hb5273/is_200504/ai_n20865992 tore down the house, probably dumped the debris, on the other side of town. Now the lot might be worth $200, $150k? Extortion, bribe, a kick back is not a write off but hide it with a real estate purchase, professional services, consulting fee, then it is...... legal in Palatine or any place, when you own your own Police department.
I say, arrest Mullins, let her tell a jury, have them decide there is no hanky panky, The Palatine Police has known about this since April 2005. Why have they not arrested the mayor?
Maybe the Bratcher's consulting company did some private consulting for Hummel or Mullins?
I would think, her council members got a piece of the $1 billion pie. What do you think they talk about in private meetings? Then there are more than private meetings..... hush, hush meetings.
A audit of the village and a couple more agencies around town, will cause some problems for many.
How come her private, exclusive, drug infested police department (plenty of evidence) did not arrest her or the contractor? These cops go to schools and tell the students say no to do drugs. Ever seen a "D A R E" car parked in the school parking lot. Most of the kids should know by that age, cops cannot be trusted, heard or seen it. Who is kidding who?
I'm telling you this smells like organized crime, racketeering, and who knows what else?
Then there is Fred Hall (in charge of the Palatine Park district for 20? years), up to his neck in corruption, no body has the balls to say any thing. I did a job for the Palatine legion over a year ago, he and the legion decided not to pay, never paid me, stole my labor, material, equipment (service). A typical scum bag, shopping for a job after the job is done, Another reason not to respect a man is when he don't pay for service or labor rendered. Little ole me, what am I going to do?.......certainly do no more work for the legion. http://fredhall-palatine.blogspot.com/ . I think Fred Hall should have been put in jail along time ago, insiders, know exactly what I am talking about. The Palatine Police have looked the other way a long time, Look at who was Fred's right hand man, cops going to throw one of their owns kids or 2, that may be burglarizing the village, in jail? I think Rita took lessons from Fred, saw how easy it was to be corrupt. Fred and the Legion know of the scam the cops pulled on me (a plumber in town for 35 years, I am no stranger). As a matter of fact, I was doing a job for the legion (got paid) when a retired supreme court justice called me about my trial. I said I had no paper, and that I would have defense lawyer #3 call Charlie for your number. http://warrenbreslin.blogspot.com/ If Vito knew of some pay offs in the Park District, there might be another problem. Nothing new about getting a job and making a contribution,
or making a contribution of some sort and getting a building or zoning variance. This is not rocket scientist stuff. Watching city meetings I would always wounder what the pay offs were, I mean when some one would want a permit and be refused, then say the guy over there and there and there have the same thing, how come I can't have it, the issue would often be a offset or something.
Rod Blagojevich committed less crimes with less evidence and investigated by more people, than the crimes little ole me has exposed (more evidence, more crimes, more people). Look at the problem he has, then look at the problem free criminals in Palatine, that have gotten off scott free. Criminal activity praised and glorified by the courts. This don't make sense to me at all. Blogo should live in Palatine.
You want to see some juicy video taps of citizens coming before mayor Mullins and the village council, at public meetings, calling them a bunch of lairs..... Mullins and her club, throwing the residents out or get arrested? Why Mullins and her council were not arrested at those meetings, go to show, who owns the cops.
Maybe the next mayor will sell his house for $350k over market value? To the same guy.
Some one aught to call the Army Engineer Corp and put 2 & 2 togeather, then explore a little more and then a little more, hahahahahahahhahahahahhahah I bet, this is the stuff not even talked about in hush hush hush meetings behind closed doors, hahahahhaahhaah.
hides exculpatory evidence, aids and abbets corruption
I was arrested by Palatine police officers, Wenrich and probably Hunter (sitting right next to him for 2 hours) were high on drugs, something was wrong with dispatch, (for not recognition) along with, shift commander, deputy chief, chief. A major cover up which involves mayor Mullins, Tatooles, 2 village councils, 2 police departments, a law bar, 1 retired supreme court justice, 1 appellate, 1 trial judges 1 D A's office. They all hanged me out to dry and went on their mary way, in this BS scam of major proportions. http://judgescotillo.blogspot.com/
I have provided Obama and Dick Durbin, Lisa Madigan, her father, the fbi, Tod Strogers, Anita Alvarez and others with more court certified, indictable, criminal evidence than the FBI did Blagojevich. Why cover up? How far and how long can this go on.
Has any one looked up racketeering? RICO?
Has any one looked up criminal conspiracy? and it's unlimited time limit.
Maybe I am missing something, maybe my interpretation of certain words that I look up in the dictionary (only have a high school education) are off?
Because crimes involved over $100k a terrorism charge should be worth 10 years in jail.
The cover up of the her cops on drugs on my bust should be worth 20 years in jail.
That SALF and some insurance fraud charges should be another 20 years in jail.
Influence pedaling and other miscellaneous Village matters is another 20 years in jail.
Accepting bribes, bid rigging, shake downs should be worth 10 years in jail.
Extortion should be worth 10 years in jail.
I am almost sure we could find some interstate crimes worth 10 years in jail.
100 years in jail, half in a fed pen, half in Joliet......Joliet Jake, but not Jake.
She might get out when she is 160 years old? offer the mayor 50 years and give her a wire.
I'm sure there is a bunch of stuff I have not even herd of, threaten Baker with 20 years in jail and he would squeal but, Mullins quashed investigations of her Police department, by other agency's, so someone might think of Village bonding, but don't forget, no honor amongst thief's.
The next mayor faces the same possible criminal charges.
If she wants to sue me for this, like she is apparently suing others, go ahead, for what telling what I see as the truth and corruption? Maybe a judge other than Scotillo or a attorney general other than Lisa Madigan or Cook County state prosecutor other than Anita Alverz, some one who respects law and order, will arrest her, her dirt bag cops (what else do you call em, drug infested cops, drug dealing cops, lies under oath, gives the courts false reports? Sounds like dirt bags to me), village council, the states attorney of cook county, the other judges, the other mayor, all the village attorneys and the 3500 other judges, lawyers, scholars, academics, politicians? maybe channel 7 will have a film crew (the one she is suing)?
My defense cost me every thing I had, I have no income since my arrest 5 years ago, so why file tax? I got robbed just west of Oklahoma city, filed a report with the Indian chief (was the police chief also?), I have no ID. I have no drivers license, no credit cards but plenty of collection agency's trying to get me. What would Mayor Mullins get from me, some jail time, have some more fun twisting the law with her police department, village hall, village departments? One of these days I should apply and get some government aid. I'm sure Mayor Mullins would like to steal food stamps from some one, if she could.
If I could find a lawyer to sue I would.
accessory, obstructon of justice, criminal conspericy
Wenrich was on drugs at trial testimony (where do cops get drugs, evidence room, cop bar, drug dealer shake down or from the shared Cook County Sheriff sub station on Rand?).
or Wenrich knew 2 time bar president Scotillo was greased by 1 time bar president Tatooles, 3 time mayor Tatooles, 5 time mayor Mullins55 or maybe, do me a favor and I will do you a favor, type of thing.
Judge Scotillo agreed with Wenrich's I had no rights and praised him every which way.
The appellate court agreed with Scotillo, who agreed with Wenrich, I have no rights, and praised Wenrich like no tomorrow.
The appellate court agreed with Scotillo that, defense lawyer 1, Tatooles, was incompetent, un fit to be a lawyer.
There for my 6th constitutional amendment rights were taken from me also, unless the constitution considers a incompetent lawyer a-ok (Scotillo made the call early in the trial, then allowed Tatooles to continue as a incompetent defense lawyer), what about a affirmative defense?
I assume Scotillo likes defendants who have incompetent lawyers, as far as I am concerned this is what you get with a 2 time bar president who is judge, who is above the law.
Officer Hunter siting right next to Wenrich for 2 hours, didn't give a shit, its a fellow Palatine cop, besides, Hunter was probably flying also.
Welcome to
Mullins own police department and her village council.
Tatooles own police department and his own village council.
Mullins and her clan, lack of action, endorsed criminal behavior.
Tatooles pays Mullins police chief $120k, then hires Wenrich's deputy commander Haas, as new police chief. Brown's Chicken veteran.
Mr and Mrs Scotillo's, each 2 term bar presidents, Mrs Scotillo was also news editor for 21 years.
sounds like organized crime, racketeering and intimidation to me, who ever question's a Scotillo is out of a bar, job, banned, jailed, muged or killed.
That is why Defense lawyer 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 plus, 1 retired supreme court justice and the appellate, did not want to butt heads, simply let these cops, continue to do as they please.
I was in my corvette, maybe Wenrich wanted to sell me some of the drugs he was on, because I was not interested, the arrest followed. Nobody asked me if I blew into the machine. I asked Tatooles to review the video's in the interrogation room, at the beginning, before, I knew the fix was in.
Judges must think cops and prosecutors are honest and what ever comes out of their mouth is the holy gospel. The minute they start to think other, is the minute change will take place.
mayor Mullins endorses no rights for people other than her clan
Wenrich was on drugs at trial testimony (where do cops get drugs, evidence room, cop bar or drug dealer shake down? or from the shared Cook County Sheriff sub station on Rand?).
or Wenrich knew 2 time bar president Scotillo was greased by 1 time bar president Tatooles or 3 time mayor Tatooles or maybe, do me a favor and I will do you a favor, type of thing.
Judge Scotillo agreed with Wenrich's I had no rights and praised him every which way.
The appellate court agreed with Scotillo, who agreed with Wenrich, I have no rights, and praised Wenrich like no tomorrow.
The appellate court agreed with Scotillo that, defense lawyer 1, Tatooles, was incompetent, un fit to be a lawyer.
There for my 6th constitutional amendment rights were taken from me also, unless the constitution considers a incompetent lawyer a-ok (Scotillo made the call early in the trial, then allowed Tatooles to continue as a incompetent lawyer would continue), but what about a affirmative defense?
I assume Scotillo likes defendants who have incompetent lawyers, as far as I am concerned this is what you get with a 2 time bar president who is judge, who is above the law.
Officer Hunter siting right next to Wenrich for 2 hours, didn't give a shit, its a fellow Palatine cop, besides, Hunter was probably flying also.
Welcome to
Mullins own police department and her village council.
Tatooles own police department and his own village council.
Tatooles pays Mullins police chief $120k, then hires Wenrich's deputy commander Haas, as new police chief. Brown's Chicken veterns.
Mr and Mrs Scotillo's, each 2 term bar presidents, Mrs Scotillo was also news editor for 21 years.
sounds like organized crime, racketeering and intimidation to me, who ever question's a Scotillo is out of a bar, job, banned, jailed, muged or killed.
I was in my corvette, maybe Wenrich wanted to sell me some of the drugs he was on, because I was not interested, the arrest followed. Nobody asked me if I blew into the machine. I asked Tatooles to review the video's in the interrogation room, at the beginning, before, I knew the fix was in.
I sent this to mullins, also to 3500 other people
I would like action taken on the following;
Not limited to; corruption, obstruction, perjury, aiding and abetting, accessory, conspiracy.
That involves Jim Tatooles and possibly his brother (John Tatooles) and the Inverness village board.
That involves, but not limited to; Judge Scotillo, defense lawyers 1 - 4, assistant states attorney Chandra, Andre. Palatine police officer Wenrich, Hunter, rookie on duty at the time of case number 04-c3-30337, and Baker, lets not forget Baker, shift commander, police chief, Palatine Mayor, and Village Board, 1 retired supreme court justice, and appellate judges jj, o'malley, tully, pj, mcnulty.
Just about every other person I came across is protecting Wenrich, the list is longer than you can shake a fist at, I know who they are. I Can go much further. See blogs.
The only thing I wanted was the truth told especially, in a court of law, No body I contacted seems interested or seems to care. I care about the truth.
I would suggest some one let scotillo know about this blog with his name on it (if he has not seen it already). He might be a little up set, at me....the only guy that did not lie to his face, in his court or the only guy that has balls to stand up for what his court room is suppose to represent and lacking there of.
Now you all can come and hunt me down.