TO: Media, Interested PartiesFROM: Minnesota DFL Party
DATE: September 26, 2008
RE: In Case You Missed It: Coleman Connection to Shady
Non-Profit Highlighted; Coleman Campaign Defensive
A Forum Communications article published today in the Detroit
Lakes Tribune highlights Senator Norm Coleman’s exceptional
involvement in winning authorization for a $40-million grant to a
shady foundation that supposedly taught children first-aid procedures. In September 2006, Senator Coleman was the sole sponsor of
a bill to spend $10 million dollars a year over four years to teach
children the Heimlich maneuver. The intended recipient of the
money was not a Minnesota-based non-profit, but the Save-A-Life
Foundation of Chicago. Coleman’s bill was later folded into a bill
to fund the Department of Homeland Security; funds were
authorized but not appropriated.
A November 2006 exclusive report by WLS-TV, ABC7 Chicago,
pointed out that while the Save-A-Life Foundation has “received
millions of dollars in government funds and corporate donations,
” their success is based in “a series of misleading claims and
deceptive credentials that raise doubts about Save-A-Life’s
integrity, funding and training.” The report suggested that
Save-A-Life could not possibly have spent the taxpayer money
that it received on actually promoting child safety. The report
also noted that the foundation’s founder paid herself a $120,000
salary and exaggerated or fabricated claims about her background.
Senator Coleman’s office today was defensive about Coleman’s
involvement with the Save-A-Life Foundation, which honored
Coleman in 2008. But questions remain, including:
- Why did Coleman go to such lengths to assist a
non-Minnesota non-profit? - What did Coleman know about Save-A-Life’s questionable
practices or the background of its founder Carol Spirrizzi? - If Senator Coleman is the watchdog for taxpayers’ money
that he claims to be, how did he miss this scandal?
Today’s article concludes by saying that while Coleman’s office denies
any impropriety, “it’s hard for the public to decide that when left with so
many unanswered questions.”
Commentary: More questions than answers over odd
Coleman bill
Scott Wente, St. Paul Bureau
DL-Online - 09/26/2008
ST. PAUL -- In the world of politics, the public often needs to hear
straight from government officials involved before understanding
and forming an opinion on a particular issue.
Silence can breed skepticism, sometimes unwarranted.
Take the example of a recent news tip about little-known legislation
authored two years ago by U.S. Sen. Norm Coleman. The Minnesota
Republican wanted to spend $40 million to help teach children basic
first aid.
“This legislation gives us the opportunity to support an initiative
that can truly pay dividends down the road by giving the American
people the training and tools to help other citizens in times of
emergencies,” Coleman wrote in 2006, after a streamlined version
of his proposal – without funding attached – passed as part of a
Department of Homeland Security bill.
On its surface, the episode hardly deserves a skeptical look: A
lawmaker proposes using tax dollars to fund organizations that
teach first aid to youth. And the program did not get started
because Homeland Security officials said Congress did not
provide needed funds.
Supposedly, that was the end of it. The feds and Coleman moved
on to other pressing matters.
Yet, reporting yielded interesting facts. An emergency training
organization with a controversial leader claimed it sought the
legislation, had Coleman’s support and expected to reap funding
from the program. That organization, Save A Life Foundation,
operates out of Illinois and while it administers training in a number
of states, has little affiliation with Minnesota.
Additionally, there was no detailed explanation for why the
Coleman-backed program deemed important enough to pass
Congress never got off the ground. And, perhaps most interesting
to taxpayers, it was not clear whether Coleman or federal officials
worked to prevent Save A Life from getting public money once it
became embroiled in controversy months later.
Calls were made, including to the foundation, Homeland Security
officials and Coleman’s office. Some questions came to mind, for
which the answers might have promptly dispelled any speculation
that something strange had occurred:
-- Did Coleman author the legislation with the foundation in mind?
-- Since lawmakers like to talk about how they help their
constituents, did Coleman believe Minnesota children could benefit
from the legislation?
-- Did Coleman or federal officials make sure Save A Life did not get
federal funds after news reports suggested the group’s leadership had
made false claims? Certainly that itself would be newsworthy,
particularly given the public’s interest in congressional spending.
Homeland Security officials responded to an initial inquiry, but
clammed up when asked about Save A Life Foundation. There was
nothing more to discuss, they said.
The foundation’s leader, Carol Spizzirri, would not return repeated calls.
Even the office of Coleman's Democratic opponent, Al Franken, had heard
of Save A Life Foundation but refused to talk about the issue.
Surely Coleman, a Republican locked in a fierce re-election battle, would
be willing to explain the issue.
The senator’s press secretary, LeRoy Coleman (no relation to the senator),
said the proposed program was benign and, as happens occasionally, just
never got off the ground. He said liberals were trying to smear Coleman by
suggesting a connection between the senator and the controversial
Save A Life Foundation.
The spokesman would not grant an interview with Coleman, arguing there
was no legitimate story because nothing unusual happened.
That may be, but it’s hard for the public to decide that when left with so
many unanswered questions.
Coleman’s Questionable Involvement with the Save-A-Life
2006: Coleman Solely Sponsored Legislation To Fund
Child Safety Training Added To Homeland Security
Appropriations Bill. In 2006, Senator Coleman was the sole
sponsor of the Community Response System Initiative Act of
2006. According to a press release from Coleman’s Senate
office, "The Homeland Security Appropriations bill also includes
legislation authored by Senator Coleman to educate the public
on emergency preparedness. The Community Response
System Initiative Act of 2006 authorizes funding to teach children
(K-12) age appropriate basic hands-on Life Supporting First Aid,
which includes training in CPR, the Heimlich maneuver, and
blood borne and bio hazardous precautions. 'Part of any
comprehensive emergency preparedness plan must include
educating the public on how to prepare for and react in an
emergency situation,' Coleman added. 'This legislation gives us
the opportunity to support an initiative that can truly pay
dividends down the road by giving the American people the
training and tools to help other citizens in times of emergencies.'"
[Coleman Press Release, 9/26/06]
· Amendment Would Allow DHR To “Enter Into An Agreement
With An Organization Which Shall Provide Funds” For
Emergency Response Education And Training To Children.
According to the text of the bill’s introduction, S. 3533: “Directs
the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS),
acting through the Chief Medical Officer, to enter into an
agreement with an organization which shall provide funds to local
governmental agencies that provide emergency response or
similar medical services or training for education and training in
life supporting first aid to children. Requires the selected
organization to give priority to emergency medical services,
fire departments, law enforcement agencies, hospitals, and
school nurses.” [S. 3533, Introduced 6/16/06, CRS Description]
Coleman Legislation Proposed $40 Million For Basic First Aid
Funding For Children; Passed Without Funding Attached As
Part Of Homeland Security Bill. According to the Detroit Lakes
Online, “Take the example of a recent news tip about little-known
legislation authored two years ago by U.S. Sen. Norm Coleman.
The Minnesota Republican wanted to spend $40 million to help
teach children basic first aid. "This legislation gives us the
opportunity to support an initiative that can truly pay dividends down
the road by giving the American people the training and tools to help
other citizens in times of emergencies," Coleman wrote in 2006,
after a streamlined version of his proposal -- without funding attached
-- passed as part of a Department of Homeland Security bill.”
[Detroit Lakes Online, 9/26/08]
Coleman Was Commended By SALF For Being “Instrumental
According to a February 16, 2006 post on the Save-A-Life Foundation
website: “SALF is continually grateful to the U.S. Conference of
Mayors (USCM) and its members. At its winter meeting in D.C.,
SALF President and Founder Carol Spizzirri joined Mayor Rita Mullins,
Palatine, IL, U.S. Senator Norm Coleman, former mayor of St. Paul, MN,
Mayor Elizabeth B. Kautz, Burnsville, MN and Mayor Manny Diaz, Miami,
FL, who have been instrumental in spearheading SALF to emergency-
prepare American children… Mayor Kautz is taking aggressive measures
to follow Mayor Diaz’s plan for the children in and around her city of
Burnsville, while Senator Coleman takes leadership to bring this message
nationwide with bi-partisan support.”
· SALF Praised Coleman For Sole Sponsorship Of “CRSI Act.”
According to the 2006-2007 SALF Annual Report, “Earlier this year,
the U.S. Conference of Mayors adopted the Community Response
Systems Initiative (CRSI) Resolution, named in honor of Christina
Spizzirri, committing their support to SALF as a foundation for
emergency preparing their communities. Thereafter U.S. Senator
Norm Coleman (MN), sponsored the “CRSI ACT” to assist in this
initiative.” [SALF Annual Report, 2006-2007]
Save-A-Life Foundation Received Millions Of Government Dollars,
Found To Have Series Of Misleading Claims And Deceptive
Credentials. In November 2006, Chicago’s ABC7’s I-Team reported,
“One of Illinois' highest profile charities teaches the Heimlich maneuver
to children while maneuvering the truth to get money from government
and big business. It's called the Save-A-Life Foundation and is known
across Illinois as an organization that teaches schoolchildren how to
respond in emergencies. For the past few years, Save-A-Life has received
millions of dollars in government funds and corporate donations.
An ABC7 I-Team investigation has uncovered a series of misleading
claims and deceptive credentials that raise doubts about Save-A-Life's
integrity, funding and training.” [ABC7, “The Maneuver,” 11/17/06]
SALF Claimed Organization Taught Heimlich Maneuver And
First Aid To Over 1 Million Studetns Since 1995. In November 2006,
Chicago’s ABC7’s I-Team reported, “Save-A-Life officials say they
have taught the Heimlich maneuver and other first aid techniques to
more than 1 million schoolchildren since 1995. They claim to have
taught nearly 70,000 children how to save a life in the Chicago Public
Schools this year alone.” [ABC7, “The Maneuver,” 11/17/06]
Carol Spizzirri, SALF Founder, Represented Herself To Mayors,
Congress, As Trained, Registered Nurse. In November 2006,
Chicago’s ABC7’s I-Team reported, "Our ultimate goal is to make this
part of driver's ed so that it becomes unified just as brushing teeth,"
said Carol Spizzirri, Save-A- Life founder. Spizzirri is the matriarch of
the Save-A-Life Foundation, based in west suburban Schiller Park, and
she has captured the attention -- and the funding -- of those who hold
government purse strings. For nearly 15 years, to mayors and members
of congress, she has represented herself as trained, registered nurse.”
[ABC7, “The Maneuver,” 11/17/06]
· Spizzirri Bio Claimed She Was Registered Nurse Specializing In
Kidney Transplants Then Claimed She Hadn’t Been Registered
In Years. In November 2006, Chicago’s ABC7’s I-Team reported,
“Spizzirri says she got her nursing degree in Wisconsin. Currently,
Save-A-Life's website and her bio claim, not only that she is an RN,
but that she specializes in kidney transplants. The I-Team asked if
that is true. "Not at this time," Spizzirri said. "I no longer have. I
haven't registered in a number of years."”
[ABC7, “The Maneuver,” 11/17/06]
The College Spizzirri Claimed To Receive Nursing Degree
From Never Awarded Her A Degree; No State Records To Prove
She Was A Registered Nurse. In November 2006, Chicago’s ABC7’s
I-Team reported, “According to state officials, the now-defunct
Wisconsin college where Spizzirri claims to have received a nursing
degree never awarded her a degree of any kind, and government
records show she has never been registered as a nurse in either
Wisconsin, as she told the I-Team she was, or in Illinois.”
[ABC7, “The Maneuver,” 11/17/06]
· The Hospital Spizzirri Said She Worked At As Nurse Said
She Was A Patient Care Assistant. In November 2006,
Chicago’s ABC7’s I-Team reported, "I had a nursing degree
and I have worked in a hospital," said Spizzirri. Officials at
the Milwaukee hospital where she claims to have been a
transplant nurse say she had a paid job for a couple of years,
as a patient care assistant akin to a candy striper.”
[ABC7, “The Maneuver,” 11/17/06]
· National Council Against Health Fraud: “Absolutely It’s
Fair Game To Go After Spizzirri And Her Credentials.”
In November 2006, Chicago’s ABC7’s I-Team reported,
"Absolutely it's fair game to go after her for her credentials
and her alleged story of how she got started in all of this,
because if they are incorrect or fraudulent or misrepresented,
then how can you believe anything she says after that?" said
Dr. Robert Baratz, National Council Against Health Fraud.”
[ABC7, “The Maneuver,” 11/17/06]
Federal And State Funding Agencies Defrauded By Spizzirri’s Claim
Of Holding Nursing Degree And License. In November 2006, Chicago’s
ABC7’s I-Team reported, “The president of the National Council Against
Health Fraud, a watchdog organization of medical professionals, says
that federal and state funding agencies have been defrauded by Spizzirri's
claims that she has a nursing degree and license.”
[ABC7, “The Maneuver,” 11/17/06]
· Spizzirri Claimed SALF Services Were Free But Chicago Public
Schools Were Billed $50,000 A Year. In November 2006,
Chicago’s ABC7’s I-Team reported, "It's free to the children. We
bring this course to schools for free," Spizzirri said. But it wasn't
free to the Chicago Public Schools, where officials say Save-A-Life
charged them $50,000 the past two years.”
[ABC7, “The Maneuver,” 11/17/06]
Chicago Public Schools CEO Said It Was Unlikely SALF Reached
As Many Students As It Claimed And Cost Taxpayers Over $1
Million Year. In November 2006, Chicago’s ABC7’s I-Team reported,
“Schools CEO Arnie Duncan says it seems unlikely that Carol
Spizzirri's organization could have taught the number of students they
claim, and it's not free to the taxpayers, who give Save-A-Life more than
$1 million a year through the Homeland Security department, Centers
For Disease Control and the State of Illinois. "If you have an organization
that has mostly volunteers, where's the million dollars going?" said
Baratz. "It doesn't take a million dollars to print a pamphlet."”
[ABC7, “The Maneuver,” 11/17/06]
Spizzirri Gave Herself Salary Of $120,000, Traveled On Generous
Expense Account To Obtain Government Funding For Save-A-Life.
In November 2006, Chicago’s ABC7’s I-Team reported, “Spizzirri pays
herself an annual salary of $120,000, according to Save-A-Life records
on file with the Illinois attorney general. She travels on a generous
expense account while working to obtain additional government
funding for expansion of her organization nationally.”
[ABC7, “The Maneuver,” 11/17/06]
Spizzirri Fabricated Circumstances Of Her Daughter’s Death When
Lobbying Lawmakers. In November 2006, Chicago’s ABC7’s I-Team
reported, “Spizzirri repeatedly tells politicians and public this story of her
motivation: "My daughter was coming home from work on Labor Day
of '92. She was struck by a hit-and-run, and her arm had been severely
injured, and she bled to death before EMS arrived," said Spizzirri. But
even that isn't true, according to police and hospital reports and an
inquest by the Lake County coroner. The official record states that
18-year-old Christina Spizzirri was legally drunk at the time of the
accident; and that after hosting a drinking party while her mother was
vacationing in Florida, the teenager got behind the wheel and flipped her
own car. Police records show there was no hit-and-run, and even though
the local police didn't know emergency first aid, the teenager did not die
at the scene as Carol Spizzirri contends. Medical records state that
Christina died 30 minutes after arriving at the hospital.””
[ABC7, “The Maneuver,” 11/17/06]
Spizzirri Could Not Provide Documentation Supporting Claimed
Circumstances Of Her Daughter’s Death Or Her Medical Training.
In November 2006, Chicago’s ABC7’s I-Team reported, “After terminating
that interview three weeks ago, Spizzirri's spokesperson requested that
we e-mail our additional questions. So we asked for information
supporting Spizzirri's often repeated story of Christina's death and any
proof that Spizzirri has the medical training, licensing and expertise that
she claims. They provided the I-Team with nothing.”
[ABC7, “The Maneuver,” 11/17/06]
American Red Cross Recommends The Opposite Of What SALF
Continues To Teach School Children For Emergency Response.
In November 2006, Chicago’s ABC7’s I-Team reported, "The American
Red Cross, the nation's leading first aid organization, no longer
supports the use of the Heimlich maneuver as the initial response
when someone begins choking. Last spring, in a surprisingly
under-publicized change, the Red Cross mandated its instructors to
teach several sharp slaps to the back when someone begins choking,
which induces them to cough. Research has shown that a series of
five of each together is the most proven mechanism for releasing
obstructed items from conscious children and adults," said Martha
Dittmar, American Red Cross. The Red Cross recommends Heimlich's
abdominal thrust only if back slaps fail. That is the opposite of what the
Save-A-Life Foundation continues to teach to thousands of school
children in Chicago and several other states.””
[ABC7, “The Maneuver,” 11/17/06]