Any one want to contact Todd Stogers? http://toddstroger.blogspot.com/ as a matter of fact, I have to thank Mr Strogers for my blogs. I got nothing against Mr Stogers, seems ok to me. He has a regular personal blog letting blogger know a little about him. I think this is nice. So after sending him some things that were on my mind (let's say another tip of the iceburg), I thought I would make a blog, then I thought I would make another, then another and on and on and on.
Is Mullins a full time secretary at SALF and part time mayor of Palatine?
Has Mullins used any Palatine resources associated with SALF?
I would like to know more about the law suite Mullins company (SALF) has against WLS TV
after WLS TV, identified SALF association with interstate fraud which sounds like a criminal activity.
How much in money has the Village, Park District, Township, Police, Fire, Public works or any other governmental agency's or departments that Mullins is connected to given to Ancel, Glink, Diamond, Bush, Dicianni & Krafthefer? http://www.ancelglink.com/index.html
Why is a law firm that deals with municipals, park districts, libraries, fire protection districts, townships, workers comp, be employed by Mullins SALF company to sue WLS TV for slander and defamation?
The news articles below, seem to be true, why is Mullins suing some one or any one for exposing deception, lies, fraud and not limited to corruption?
Is Mullins company (SALF) seeking a out of court settlement payment from Palatine?
Is Mullins company seeking law suite against Palatine?
If so for how much?
How much money has Palatine paid SALF?
The link below is like a grand daddy

Rita Mullins, have no idea what this means
this blog is only the tip of the ice burg
Rita Mullins could fire and have arrested, Palatine police officer Wenrich for hallucinating while on patrol during my arrest and force him to apologize to the world for his substance abuse and/or incompetence and deliberately giving a false report and perjured testimony. Fire or have arrested Palatine police officer Hunter for not knowing a hallucinating officer was sitting next to him for about a hour. Fire and have arrested the shift commander for being so dumb as to, not knowing what is going on during his shift. Fire and have arrested the police chief for being apart of this or not knowing about it.
This is like Bollingbrook (re;Drew Peterson) who could not get fired because the cops have dirt on the mayor and village council. How many times did Dew Petersons x-wife's file police reports befor they ended up dead or missing? and nothing. This is called
job security!
Mullins aids in the squash of a Better Government Association and the Chicago Crime Commission investigation into corruption at the Palatine police department